About this blog

Adonys •

This is my first post of many that I plan to publish on this blog. I will publish everything that interests me, although my focus will be on technology, and software engineering. In fact, in the last month I have been very hooked on everything related to networks, servers, and automations; I have the intention of publishing some articles about this.

Table of contents

Version 1.1.0 of my website

Currently, you are viewing the version 1.1.0 of my website, which includes significant improvements such as internationalization and a blog. Previously, on the version 1.0.0, this was just my portfolio.

The complete blog was made in a weekend, starting on Friday where I did not have much work and ending on Sunday night where I finished writing this article. It was undoubtedly a very exciting process where I learned new things.

This website is open source, and it built entirely with Astro and PicoCSS, which converts into HTML, CSS, and a little JavaScript (although the site works perfectly without JavaScript). PicoCSS is a classless library, where you only need to write semantic and accessible HTML and PicoCSS do the magic. In the future, I plan to migrate from PicoCSS to Palm Tree CSS, a library that I am developing with the Gentleman Programming community.

All the content of this site is static, and the articles are written in Markdown format, which is then converted to HTML with Astro.

I used an open-source Astro template for blogs with internationalization, that I modify to meet my needs. The original template is called astro-blog-i18n-starter, was created by Rebeca Murillo. In fact, I have contributed to the project, making three pull requests with improvements.

Most of the time developing the blog was spent on improving accessibility, SEO, and loading speed. Although the site is built practically with vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, what I learned will be valuable for future projects. Understanding the concepts, in their most basic way, helps to better understand how things works and how they can be optimized.


I like to create things and solve problems through software, many of my personal projects end up forgotten on my computer. So, I have the intention of sharing what I am doing, so that it remain on the Internet and waiting and hoping that it can be helpful to someone else.

My goal with all this is:

Improve my writing

One of my goals is to improve my writing skills. To achieve this, I read books frequently to acquire new vocabulary and now with this blog I will write regularly (but sometimes it is irregular), which will help me to improve my writing. I do not plan to use artificial intelligence to write the articles, but I do plan to use to improve my writing. I think that artificial intelligence is a powerful tool if it is used correctly and in the future, I want to publish an article about how I use artificial intelligence to enhance my writing, English and other skills.

Improve my English

I am a native Spanish speaker and English is my second language. So, another goal that I want to achieve before 2025, is to improve my English level, undoubtedly it is something that I have achieved, but I have a lot to improve. I have been taking live classes with native teachers, practicing with various digital resources, and participating in talks on two Discord servers. Sometimes, when I want to flow, I will write the articles in Spanish and then translate them into English and other times, I will write them in English and them translate into Spanish.

Remember that you can read this blog in both Spanish and English. At the top right you have the language picker.

Share what I do

I like to share my knowledge with other people, I often help members of the Gentleman Programming community. Also, since October 2022 I have been participating voluntary Cincinnatus Institute of Craftsmanship as a coach, which is a foundation in the Dominican Republic that prepares you from scratch in different tech areas until you get your first tech job.

Finally, this blog has its own RSS Feed available in both Spanish and English. If you like my content and want to stay up to day with my publications, do not hesitate to add it to your RSS reader!